Amedeo I di Savoia
12th Duca di Savoia
Other names: le Grand
12th Duca di Savoia 1630–37†
Titular King of Cyprus 1630–37†
Titular King of Jerusalem 1630–37†
Titular King of Armenia 1630–37†
Principe di Piemonte 1630–37†
Titular Prince of Achaia 1630–37†
Principe di Oneglia 1630–37†
Duc de Chablais 1630–37†
Duca d'Aosta 1630–37†
Duca di Monferrato [in opposition] 1631–37†
Marchese di Susa 1630–37†
Marchese di Saluzzo 1630–37†
Marchese di Ivrea 1630–37†
Marchese in Italia 1630–37†
del Marro 1630–37†
Conte di Asti 1630–37†
Comte de Nice 1630–37†
Comte de Maurienne 1630–37†
Conte di Carmagnola 1630–37†
Comte de Tende 1630–37†
Comte de Romont 1630–37†
Baron de Vaud 1630–37†
Signore di Pinerolo 1630
Signore de Vercelli 1630–37†
Seigneur de Fribourg 1630–37†
Signore della Prela 1630–37†
Signore di Novello
Signore di Trino 1631–37†
Signore di Alba 1631–37†
Vittorio Amedeo I succeeded to little more than a title,
but immediately dealt with the ongoing war and negotiation efforts. Entrenched
at the camp of Savillan, he supported the combined effort of the armies
of Genoa and France. A truce was signed in October 1630. Meanwhile, Louis
XIII, who was returning to France, fell ill at Saint-Jean de Maurienne.
But through the efforts of the then unknown Mazarin, peace was reached
and a treaty was signed. It was signed at Cherasco on the 6th of April
1631. This treaty put an end to the French occupation of Savoy, which
had lasted for a year. The Duke was obliged to relinquish Pinerolo in
exchange for
Trino and Alba, that were part of Montferrat,
and the Duke of Nevers was recognised as duke of Montferrat.
Vittorio Amedeo, however, continued to style himself 'Duke of Montferrat',
as did his succesors, until 1861.
Savoy's relations with France were restored and it became a strong ally.
The Duke's brothers, Thomas and Maurice, resented these events, and left
the court. The Treaty of Rivoli of 1635 confirmed the alliance between
France and Savoy during the Thirty Years War against Spain. A plan was
devised by Louis XIII and Richelieu to incorporate Savoy with Lombardy
into a kingdom under the rule of the House of Savoy, to the detriment
of Spain, which the Duke supported. The military efforts that followed
against the Spanish to achieve this were proving to be difficult and with
few victories, with tensions high between France and Savoy were high.
After the Duke's victory at the Battle of Mombaldone, he was back at Vercelli
and was ill suddenly and died.
He proved a wise and popular ruler, and his early death was much deplored.
Place of birth: Turin
Place of Marriage: Paris
Place of death and burial: San Eusebio, Vercelli
Son of Carlo Emanuele I di Savoia and Infanta Catalina of Spain. He married
Princesse Christine-Marie de France in 1618, and had issue.