I de Savoie
1st Comte de Savoie
Other names: the Whitehanded
1st Comte de Savoie
Comte de Chablais 1034–>47†
Comte de Maurienne 1034–>47†
Conte d'Aosta 1024
Comte de Salmourenc 1003
Comte de Belley
Seigneur de Nyon 1017
Seigneur de Bas-Valais
The founder of the House of Savoy, Humbert was a feudal lord of uncertain,
but probably Teutonic, descent.
A number of theories has been put forward concerning his origins including
that he was descended from Count Garnier of Troyes, from the family of
Count Amédée of Belley, and from the first kings of Provence. It was also
speculated that he was the son of Berthold (Beraud) of Saxony, of the
family of Emperor Otto I.
Humbert accumulated a number of counties in the lands of Savoy including
part of Maurienne in 1034 as a reward for helping King Conrad the Salic
to make good his claims on Burgundy.
He also received Lower Valais from the Emperor, where he established many
pious foundations and built churches which he endowed richly, and Upper
Valais was left subject to the Bishop of Sion.
With his territories, Humbert commanded three of the great Alpine passes:
the Mont Cenis and the two St Bernards.
In 1040, he donated property by charter to the canons of Saint-Jean and
Saint-Urse, and in 1042, he made a donation by charter to the abbey of
Saint-Chaffre. Another donation of property was made to the canons
of Saint-Jean in 1046. Humbert was born between 970 and 975, and died
between 1047 and 1051. He married between 995 and 1000. His nickname 'the
Whitehanded' is first documented in the 18th century.
Place of death: Hermillon
Place of burial: Saint-Jean de Maurienne
He married Auxilia, daughter of Anselm, after 995, and had issue.