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François de Savoie
Archbishop of Auch


Archbishop of Auch 1483–90†
Governor of Savoy 1490
Governor of Piedmont 1490
Bishop (administrator) of Geneva 1484–90†
Abbot of Staffarda 1483
Abbot of Sant'Andrea di Vercelli 1483
Abbot of Sainte-Marie d'Aulps 1483
Abbot of Abondance 1483
Prior of Saint-Sulpice 1482
Prior of Romainmôtier 1482
Prior of Payerne 1482
Provost of the Great Saint Bernard de Mont-Joux 1459–90†

François was educated at the French court, and from a young age, he began to receive many benefits. After being nominated bishop of Geneva, François faced opposition from the Pope who preferred his own nephew, Domenico della Rovere. Domenico planned to exchange Geneva with Jean de Compey for the bishopric of Turin. To compound this, the canons had chosen Urbain de Chevron for the post and a dispute arose. François and his brother Philippe stormed Geneva in 1483 and Compeys fled. After Compey complained to Pope Sixtus in Rome, the Pope excommunicated the entire town of Geneva for three months. This ended with Chevron being made archbishop of Tarentaise, with Compey to succeed him. Compey resigned his claim to Auch in favour of François. During the crisis of the regency of Bianca of Montferrat, François played an important role in the administration of Savoy in 1490.

Place of birth: Geneva?
Place of death: Turin
Place of burial Turin cathedral

Son of Louis I, duc de Savoie and Princess Anne of Cyprus. He had illegitimate issue.

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