King of Sardinia
Other names: Carlo Felice Giuseppe Maria
King of Sardinia 1821–31†
20th Duca di Savoia 1821–31†
Titular King of Cyprus 1821–31†
Titular King of Jerusalem 1821–31†
Titular King of Armenia 1821–31†
Principe di Piemonte 1821–31†
Principe di Oneglia 1821–31†
Principe di Poirino 1821–31†
Principe di Trino
Prince de Montmélian 1821–31†
Principe di Chieri 1821–31†
Principe di Busca 1821–31†
Principe di Bene 1821–31†
Principe di Brà 1821–31†
Principe di Crescentino 1821–31†
Principe di Riva 1821–31†
Principe di Carmagnola, substantive 1785–96; 1821–31†
Principe di Banna 1821–31†
Principe di Dronero 1821–31†
Duca di Aosta 1821–31†
Duc de Genevois, substantive 1795–76; 1821–31†
Duca di Piacenza 1821–31†
Duca di Carignano Ivoy 1821–31†
Duc de Chablais 1821–31†
Duca del Monferrato 1821–31†
Marchese di Saluzzo 1821–31†
Marchese in Italia 1821–31†
Marchese di Ivrea 1821–31†
Marchese di Susa, substantive 1796–1821; 1821–31†
Marchese di Oristano 1821–31†
Marquis de Tarentaise 1821–31†
Marchese di Borgomanero 1821–31†
Marchese di Cureggio 1821–31†
Marchese di Caselle 1821–31†
Marchese di Govone 1821–31†
Marchese di Salussola 1821–31†
Marchese di Racconigi 1821–31†
Marchese di Savona 1821–31†
Marchese di Cesena 1821–31†
Marchese di Modane 1821–31†
Marquis de Lanslebourg 1821–31†
Marchese di Livorno Ferraris 1821–31†
Marchese di Santhià 1821–31†
Marchese d'Aglié 1821–31†
Marchese di Centallo 1821–31†
Marchese di Demonte 1821–31†
Marchese di Desana 1821–31†
Marchese di Ceva 1821–31†
Marchese di Maro 1821–31†
Marquis of Pianezza 1821–31†
Marquis of Rivoli 1821–31†
Marchese di Cavallermaggiore 1821–31†
Marchese di Marene 1821–31†
Marchese di Ghemme 1821–31†
Marchese di Villafranca 1821–31†
Comte de Nice 1821–31†
Comte de Romont 1821–31†
Comte de Maurienne 1821–31†
Conte di Asti 1821–31†
Comte de Tende 1821–31†
Conte di Goceano 1821–31†
Conte di Alessandria 1821–31†
Conte di Novara 1802–21 abd.
Conte di Tortona 1821–31†
Conte di Bobbio 1821–31†
Conte di Sant'Antioco 1821–31†
Conte di Pollenzo 1821–31†
Conte di Roccabruna 1802–21 abd.
Conte di Tricerro 1821–31†
Conte di Bairo 1821–31†
Conte di Ozegna 1821–31†
Conte delle Apertole 1821–31†
Baron de Vaud 1821–31†
Baron de Faucigny 1821–31†
Grand Seigneur de Monaco 1821–31†
Signore di Pinerolo 1821–31†
Seigneur de Roquebrune 1821–31†
Coseigneur de Menton 1821–31†
Signore di Vercelli 1821–31†
Signore di Lomellina 1821–31†
Signore di Valsesia 11821–31†
Seigneur de Arbin 1821–31†
Seigneur de Francin 1821–31†
Signore di Tegerone 1821–31†
Signore di Migliabruna 1821–31†
Signore di Motturone 1821–31†
Knight of the Order of the Holy Annunciation 1780 [Italy]
Knight of the Order of the Golden Fleece 1822 [Austria]
Viceroy of Sardinia 1796–1802; 1814–21
Along with his brothers, Carlo Felice's
education was entrusted to various tutors, but as he was only fourth in
line to the throne, he had no real education in state affairs,
and this was to become evident when he did become king after the abdication
of his elder brother, Vittorio Emanuele I. This can be linked to his belief
in divine right of royal authority—he was to rule as an absolute
sovereign—and his opposition to change and an intolerance to differing
views. Culturally inexperience, Charles Felix was impulsive, suspicious,
vindictive and possessed an inflexible temperament, however, he was tormented
by nervous crises, and it was said that he was honest and capable of feelings
of empathy and kindness—a man of contradictory strengths and weaknesses.
Although inclined to live a secluded life, Charles Felix was amenable
to marriage, and negotiations for his union with Maria Cristina de Bourbon
commenced in 1803, and he was against at Naples of the royal family who
received him with pomp. The marriage required papal dispensation due to
the couple's close kinship, and in 1807 he left Cagliari for Palermo,
where the wedding was celebrated. The couple returned to Cagliari and
lived their life in rural idleness at the Villa d'Orri.
After Napoleon's abdication in 1814, and the return of Vittorio Emanuele
I to the throne of Sardinia, Carlo Felice resumed his role as viceroy,
which he had previously resigned after Vittorio Emanuele I's return to
Cagliari. Sardinia was experiencing a famine, and Charles Felix made efforts
to import grain from Genoa, and through personal means, supplied food
to the needy. He took little action when the plague broke out in 1816,
and he eventually left the island with his wife for Naples. He remained
nominal viceroy until he ascended the throne in 1821. Charles Felix spent
his days at the court of Naples and undertook travels throughout Italy,
and eventually returned to Turin, residing at the Villa Govone. Following
the Piedmont revolution in 1821, Vittorio Emanuele refused to grant the
insurgents a constitution, and he abdicated. Abhorring the idea of being
made king as the result of a revolution, Charles Felix reluctantly accepted
the crown of Sardinia as his brother's heir. He was, however, away at
the court of Modena, and he therefore appointed his cousin, Charles Albert,
Prince of Carignano (and heir to the childless king), his regent. Urged
by his circle and by the progress of the revolution, Carlo Alberto proclaimed
the Spanish constitution at Turin. An enraged Charles Felix issued a decree
declaring that the proclamation had been made without his consent and
was therefore invalid, and he ordered the re-establishment of absolute
government. He had Charles Albert exiled from the capital, and even considered
having him put on trial for his actions, and excluded from the royal succession.
He eventually forgave his repentant cousin and had him returned from exile,
after he signed an oath to keep intact the essential form of the monarchy
once he was himself king. In 1825, he named Charles Albert heir in his
Charles Felix assumed the role f king with a strong sense of duty and
demanded full royal powers. With vigorous measures, he commenced to suppress
the revolt, quash political conspiracies, and subversive groups. He began
to purge the army, and established councils and commissions to investigate
military officers and officials, and death sentences began to be issued.
He issued edicts forbidding secret meetings and associations, and took
a personal interest in rooting out dissent. With the Pope's permission,
the clergy was required to take an oath of fidelity to him, and he relied
on them to prevent the spread of liberal ideas. As a result, the church
became highly influential in the courts and schools. These were all components
of the king's plan for the restoration of absolutism. As king, he was
more concerned with commercial interests than territorial expansion, and
in 1821 he entered a trade deal with the Sublime Porte, mediated by Austria
and England. This was the subject of a dispute with the Bey of Tunis in
1825 which ended with an attack at the harbour of Tripoli by Sardinian
forces, resulting in casualties on the Tunisian side, and convincing the
bey to concede and adhere to the agreement. The reign of Charles Felix
was afflicted by economic and financial difficulties, however, there was
still some progress in the fields of services and public works. Mining,
the steel sector, and communications grew, and with the establishment
of the Cassa di Risparmio di Torino in 1827, the credit and insurance
sector began to flourish. Public works, such and bridges, buildings, squares,
ports, and other constructions also increased. He was also responsible
for the restoration of Hautecombe Abbey in 1826, the former burial place
of members of the Savoy family, declaring its second foundation, and entrusting
it to the Cistercians of the convent of the Consolata at Turin as its
custodians. Charles Felix spent most of his time at Genoa, Nice and Genova,
and although he never visited Sardinia as king, he did make efforts to
improve the island's infrastructure and implement economic and legal reforms.
The final dramatic episode during Carlo Felice's reign was in 1830 when
revolts broke out in 1830 at Savoy. Although old and sickly, Carlo Felice
was still capable of authorising measures to repress the revolutionaries
and exiles. A special military congress was established to coordinate
measures against the insurgents. Border garrisons, army forces and armaments
were strengthened, and strict surveillance of the provinces was ordered.
The French press was suppressed, and the universities of Turin and Genoa
were closed. Aside from failed attempts to ignite a revolution at Savoy
and Turin , none eventuated. In April 1831 Carlo Felice transferred power
to his queen, and summoned Carlo Alberto, Price of Carignano, confirming
publicly as his heir and successor. The king died that month.
Place of birth: Turin
Place of marriage: Palermo
Place of death: Turin
Place of burial: Altacomba
Son of King Vittorio Amedeo III of Sardinia and Infanta María Antonieta
of Spain (Borbón). He married Princess Maria Cristina of the Two
Sicilies (Borbone) in 1807, and had no issue.