Emanuele II di Savoia
14th Duca di Savoia
Duca di Savoia 1638–75†
Titular King of Cyprus 1638–75†
Titular King of Jerusalem 1638–75†
Titular King of Armenia 1638–75†
Principe di Piemonte 1638–75†
Titular Prince of Achaia 1638
Principe di Oneglia 1638–75†
Duc de Nemours 1665
Duc de Chablais 1638–75†
Duca d'Aosta 1638–75†
Duc de Genevois 1659–75†
Duca di Monferrato 1638–75†
Marchese di Susa 1638–75†
Marchese in Italia 1638–75†
Marchese di Saluzzo 1638–75†
Marchese di Ivrea 1638–75†
del Marro 1638
Conte d'Asti 1638–75†
Comte de Nice 1638–42
Comte de Maurienne 1638–75†
Comte de Tende 1638–75†
Comte de Romont 1638–75†
Conte di Carmagnola 1638–75†
Baron de Faucigny 1659–75†
Baron de Beaufort-sur-Doron 1665
Baron de Vaud 1638–75†
Signore de Vercelli 1638–75†
Signore di Pinerolo 1638–75†
Seigneur de Fribourg 1638
Signore della Prela 1638
Signore di Novello 1638
Royal Highness (France)
On his brother's death, Charles Emmanuel succeeded as fourteenth Duke
of Savoy, but he was then only four years old, and until his majority,
at fourteen, his mother ruled absolutely. When he was declared of
age, she still directed most of the affairs of state and exercised much
control over the government until her death in 1663. During most
of those years, war was waged between France and Spain, varied only by
the cruel religious war against the Waldenses. In 1655, this persecution
was brought to a close by the peace of Pinerolo, chiefly ascribed to Cardinal
Mazarin. The Treaty of the Pyrenees, signed in 1669, ended the war
which for eighty years had desolated Savoy, Piedmont, and Italy, and restored
to Savoy most of the towns that had been taken by France. The death of
Charles Emmanuel II has been described as unrivalled in the annals of
monarchical history for solemnity and impressiveness. Feeling his
end approaching, the Duke ordered the doors of his palace to be opened
so that his subjects, whom he loved, and who in their turn loved him and
had flocked to the palace, should see him die. He eventually began
to enjoy a period of profound peace after he was no longer the nominal
ruler, and this enabled him to 'live in quiet as well as in splendour,
a builder of churches, palaces, and villas, a good and accomplished prince,
and a patron of letters.'
Place of birth: Turin
Place of first marriage: Annecy
Place of second marriage: Turin
Place of death: Turin
Place of burial: Chapel of the Holy Shroud, Turin
Son of Vittorio Amedeo I di Savoia and Infanta Princesse Christine de
France. He was married firstly to Princesse Françoise de Bourbon-Orléans
in 1633 (no issue), and secondly to Princesse Marie-Jeanne de Savoie-Nemours
in 1665, with issue. He also had illegitimate issue.