Jean Béraud (1849–1935)

Born in St Petersburg, Béraud was a very popular and successful French painter, best known for his street scenes of Paris during the Belle Époque. He was drawn towards modern life in Paris and the changes the city was facing during his times, particularly the major infrastructure and urban renewal projects that were already underway. Although he is associated with impressionism (he was friends with Manet, Degas and Renoir) and did paint in that style to a degree, he was immersed more in the classical tradition of painting, and often wove realism and satire into his works. His subjects were most often cafes, public buildings, pedestrians, and people in their daily life, and he concentrated on light and movement, but he would sometimes turn to biblical scenes and characters in contemporary settings which created some scandal. He was much admired by the Salons and was later a member of the exhibition committees for the Salons of the Academy.








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